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General and Cosmetic Dentistry

1069 Green Acres Mall

Valley Stream, NY 11581


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Home: Welcome


May 21, 2020

Our community has been through a lot over the last few months, and all of us are looking forward to resuming our normal habits and routines. While many things have changed, one thing has remained the same: our commitment to your safety.

Infection control has always been a top priority for us and as you may have seen this during your visits to our office. Our infection control processes are designed to keep you safe and comfortable when you receive dental treatment. We want to tell you about the infection control procedures we follow in our office to keep patients and our team members safe.

MyNYC-Dentist follows guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the American Dental Association (ADA), the Organization for Safety and Asepsis Procedures (OSAP), and many other advisory and regulatory agencies. We follow the activities of these agencies so that we are current on any new rulings or guidance that may be issued. We do this to make sure that our infection control procedures continue to adhere each of the agencies’ recommendations.

You may see some changes when it is time for your next appointment. We made these changes to help protect our patients and team members. For example:

  • Our office will communicate with you beforehand to ask some screening questions. You will be asked those same questions again when you are in the office.

  • A tele-dental exam maybe done ahead of time with one of our office employees to reduce in office chair-time.

  • We will ask you to wear a mask at your visit. If you do not have one please inform the front desk before arrival and one will be provided to you.

  • Our front desk has newly installed plexiglass safety shield barriers for your safety and that of our staff.

  • Temperatures will be taken upon entering the office for patients and our staff. In addition, our staff and doctors will be tested regularly for COVID-19.

  • We have hand sanitizer that we will ask you to use when you enter the office and in the treatment room before and after your procedure.

  • You may see that our waiting room will no longer offer magazines and we have replaced our upholstered waiting room chairs with plastic, easy to clean seating placed to ensure safe distancing.

  • Appointments will be managed to allow for social distancing between patients. 

  • We will do our best to allow greater time between patients to reduce waiting times for you, as well as to reduce the number of patients in the reception area at any one time.

  • In addition to our existing disinfection protocols, we have now implemented newly installed air filtration and decontamination systems throughout the office. 

  • New high volume vacuum systems have been added to aid in eliminating harmful aerosols generated during dental procedures.

  • In light of these circumstances, a nominal fee for PPE will be added per office visit.

We look forward to seeing you again and are happy to answer any questions you may have about the steps we take to keep you, and every patient, safe in our practice.

All the best,

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Where care comes first

Our exceptional, friendly staff is our greatest asset. Our dental assistants and hygienists are licensed professionals who pride themselves on staying on the cutting edge of dentistry and patient communication. They are excited about what they are doing, have high standards of quality and integrity, and are motivated to achieve the best results for our family of patients.
Our dedicated and motivated staff has one primary goal—your utmost comfort! We feel it’s important that you understand the treatment that you’ll be receiving so that you can relax during the procedure. Our staff is eager to answer any questions regarding your dental care. Please feel free to share with us your needs and concerns.
We love what we do, and it shows on our faces—it seems we’re always smiling around here. You’ll find our staff is friendly and up-beat–and we’ll do our best to make your visit comfortable, and even fun! And all the while we’ll be providing you with the highest quality dental care. Don’t be surprised if it’s the best time you had in a dental office.

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General and Cosmetic Dentist



General and Cosmetic Dentist

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Implant Specialist




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General Dentist

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Registered Dental Hygienist

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Registered Dental Hygienist

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Registered Dental Hygienist

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Registered Dental Hygienist

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The Care You Deserve

Brush your teeth twice a day, with a soft-bristled brush. The size and shape of your brush should fit your mouth, allowing you to reach all areas easily. Use a toothpaste that contains fluoride, which helps protect your teeth from decay. When choosing any dental product, look for the American Dental Association Seal of Acceptance, an important symbol of a dental product’s safety and effectiveness.

Cleaning between the teeth once a day with floss or inter-dental cleaners removes plaque from between the teeth, areas where the toothbrush can’t reach. It is essential in preventing gum disease.

By taking care of your teeth, eating a balanced diet and visiting your dentist regularly, you can have healthy teeth and an attractive smile your entire life. 

Female white toothy smile


Helping You Get A Beautiful Smile You Deserve

Porcelain Veneers

Composite Veneers


Teeth Whitening

Implant and Implant Dentures

Natural Veneers

Dental Bonding

All Ceramic Crown

Dental Assistant


The Care You Deserve

For years, patients have depended on me to provide this valuable service. I offer this and other specialized options to anyone in need of a Dentist they can trust. I’m Green Acres Dental, and I’m dedicated to building long-lasting relationships based on trust and medical integrity with every single patient.

Perfect Smile


Helping You Get Healthy

Everybody loves a bright white smile, and there are a variety of products and procedures available to help you improve the look of yours.

Many people are satisfied with the sparkle they get from brushing twice daily with a fluoride-containing toothpaste, cleaning between their teeth once a day and the regular cleanings at your dentist's office. If you decide you would like to go beyond this to make your smile look brighter, you should investigate all of your options.

You can take several approaches to whiten your smile:

  • In-office bleaching

  • At-home bleaching

  • Whitening toothpastes

Dental x-ray


Taking Care of You

Through a holistic approach to medicine, I try viewing each patient as a whole rather than a single symptom to be treated. This is just one of many procedures I perform when coming up with any diagnosis. Your health deserves proper care and attention and I’m able to provide. Please contact me today to schedule an appointment.



The Care You Deserve


Dental amalgam has been used in tooth restorations worldwide for more than 100 years. Studies have failed to find any link between amalgam restorations and any medical disorder. Amalgam continues to be a safe restorative material for dental patients.

Is it possible to have an allergic reaction to amalgam?

Only a very small number of people are allergic to amalgam fillings. Fewer than 100 cases have ever been reported. In these rare instances, mercury may trigger an allergic response. Symptoms of amalgam allergy are very similar to a typical skin allergy.

Often patients who are truly allergic to amalgam have a medical or family history of allergies to metals. If there is a confirmed allergy, another restorative material will be used.

Is it true that dental amalgams have been banned in other countries?

Is it true that dental amalgams have been banned in other countries?

Is there a filling material that matches tooth color?

Yes. Composite resins are tooth-colored, plastic materials (made of glass and resin) that are used both as fillings and to repair defects in the teeth. Because they are tooth-colored, it is difficult to distinguish them from natural teeth. Composites are often used on the front teeth where a natural appearance is important. They can be used on the back teeth as well depending on the location and extent of the tooth decay. Composite resins are usually more costly than amalgam fillings.

If my tooth doesn't hurt and my filling is still in place, why would the filling need to be replaced?

Constant pressure from chewing, grinding or clenching can cause dental fillings, or restorations, to wear away, chip or crack. Although you may not be able to tell that your filling is wearing down, your dentist can identify weaknesses in your restorations during a regular check-up.

If the seal between the tooth enamel and the restoration breaks down, food particles and decay-causing bacteria can work their way under the restoration. You then run the risk of developing additional decay in that tooth. Decay that is left untreated can progress to infect the dental pulp and may cause an abscess.

If the restoration is large or the recurrent decay is extensive, there may not be enough tooth structure remaining to support a replacement filling. In these cases, your dentist may need to replace the filling with a crown.

Perfect Smile


Helping You Get Healthy

Through this and other services, I’ve cared for numerous patients throughout my career as a Dentist. To me, nothing matters more than your health and comfort, which is why I’ve put in so much time and effort into advancing my medical practice and techniques. Please get in touch to schedule an initial consultation.

Dental Surgery


Taking Care of You

If you're missing one or more teeth, you may notice a difference in chewing and speaking. There are options to help restore your smile.
Bridges help maintain the shape of your face, as well as alleviating the stress in your bite by replacing missing teeth.
Sometimes called a fixed partial denture, a bridge replaces missing teeth with artificial teeth, looks great, and literally bridges the gap where one or more teeth may have been. The restoration can be made from gold, alloys, porcelain or a combination of these materials and is bonded onto surrounding teeth for support.
Unlike a removable bridge, which you can take out and clean, a fixed bridge can only be removed by a dentist
An implant bridge attaches artificial teeth directly to the jaw or under the gum tissue. Depending on which type of bridge your dentist recommends, its success depends on its foundation. So it's very important to keep your remaining teeth healthy and strong.



Helping You Get Healthy

Invisalign is the invisible way to straighten teeth without braces. Invisalign uses a series of clear removable Aligners to straighten your teeth without metal wires or brackets. Invisalign has been proven effective in clinical research and in orthodontic and dental practices worldwide.

Perfect Smile


Taking Care of You

Dental implants can provide artificial teeth that look natural and feel secure. Dental implants can also be used to attach full or partial dentures. Implants, however, are not an option for everyone. Because implants require surgery, patients must be in good health, have healthy gums, have adequate bone to support the implant and be committed to meticulous oral hygiene and regular dental visits. If you are considering implants, a thorough evaluation by your dentist will help determine if you would be a good candidate.

Dental x-ray


The Care You Deserve

Endodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with the nerves of the teeth. Root canals are the most common endodontic procedures. When a tooth becomes infected, it's usually related to the nerves in the tooth's root and those infected nerves need to be removed. If left untreated, the infection can turn into an abscess, a serious problem that causes pain and may result in loss of bone in the jaw.



Helping You Get Healthy

Periodontists are dentistry's experts in treating periodontal disease. They receive up to three additional years of specialized training in periodontal disease treatment in both non-surgical treatments and periodontal plastic surgery procedures. Periodontists are also experts in replacing missing teeth with dental implants.

  • Non-Surgical Treatments

  • Gum Graft Surgery

  • Laser Treatment

  • Dental Crown Lengthening

  • Dental Implants

Perfect Smile


Taking Care of You

Dentures (full/partial)

Complete dentures are called "conventional" or "immediate" according to when they are made and when they are inserted into the mouth.

Immediate dentures are inserted immediately after the removal of the remaining teeth. To make this possible, the dentist takes measurements and makes the models of the patient's jaws during a preliminary visit.

An advantage of immediate dentures is that the wearer does not have to be without teeth during the healing period. However, bones and gums can shrink over time, especially during the period of healing in the first six months after the removal of teeth. When gums shrink, immediate dentures may require rebasing or relining to fit properly. A conventional denture can then be made once the tissues have healed. Healing may take at least 6-8 weeks.

What is an overdenture?

A removable denture that fits over a small number of remaining natural teeth or implants. The natural teeth must be prepared to provide stability and support for the denture. Your dentist can determine if an overdenture would be suitable for you.

What will dentures feel like?

New dentures may feel awkward for a few weeks until you become accustomed to them. The dentures may feel loose while the muscles of your cheek and tongue learn to keep them in place.

It is not unusual to experience minor irritation or soreness. You may find that saliva flow temporarily increases. As your mouth becomes accustomed to the dentures, these problems should diminish. One or more follow-up appointments with the dentist are generally needed after a denture is inserted. If any problem persists, particularly irritation or soreness, be sure to consult your dentist.

Will dentures make me look different?

Dentures can be made to closely resemble your natural teeth so that little change in appearance will be noticeable. Dentures may even improve the look of your smile and help fill out the appearance of your face and profile.

Will I be able to eat with my dentures?

Eating will take a little practice. Start with soft foods cut into small pieces. Chew slowly using both sides of your mouth at the same time to prevent the dentures from tipping. As you become accustomed to chewing, add other foods until you return to your normal diet.

Continue to chew food using both sides of the mouth at the same time. Be cautious with hot or hard foods and sharp-edged bones or shells.

Will dentures change how I speak?

Pronouncing certain words may require practice. Reading out loud and repeating troublesome words will help. If your dentures "click" while you're talking, speak more slowly.

You may find that your dentures occasionally slip when you laugh, cough or smile. Reposition the dentures by gently biting down and swallowing. If a speaking problem persists, consult your dentist.

How long should I wear my dentures?

Your dentist will provide instructions about how long dentures should be kept in place. During the first few days, you may be advised to wear them most of the time, including while you sleep. After the initial adjustment period, you may be instructed to remove the dentures before going to bed. This allows gum tissues to rest and promotes oral health. Generally, it is not desirable that the tissues be constantly covered by denture material.

Should I use a denture adhesive?

Denture adhesive can provide additional retention for well-fitting dentures. Denture adhesives are not the solution for old, ill-fitting dentures. A poorly fitting denture, which causes constant irritation over a long period, may contribute to the development of sores. These dentures may need a reline or need to be replaced. If your dentures begin to feel loose, or cause pronounced discomfort, consult with your dentist immediately.

How do I take care of my dentures?

Dentures are very delicate and may break if dropped even a few inches. Stand over a folded towel or a basin of water when handling dentures. When you are not wearing them, store your dentures away from children and pets.

Like natural teeth, dentures must be brushed daily to remove food deposits and plaque. Brushing helps prevent dentures from becoming permanently stained and helps your mouth stay healthy. It's best to use a brush designed for cleaning dentures. A toothbrush with soft bristles can also be used. Avoid using hard-bristled brushes that can damage dentures.

Some denture wearers use hand soap or mild dishwashing liquid, which are both acceptable for cleaning dentures. Avoid using other powdered household cleansers, which may be too abrasive. Also, avoid using bleach, as this may whiten the pink portion of the denture.

Your dentist can recommend a denture cleanser. Look for denture cleansers with the ADA Seal of Acceptance. Products with the ADA Seal have been evaluated for safety and effectiveness.

The first step in cleaning dentures is to rinse away loose food particles thoroughly. Moisten the brush and apply denture cleanser. Brush every surface, scrubbing gently to avoid damage.

Dentures may lose their shape if they are allowed to dry out. When they are not worn, dentures should be placed in a denture cleanser soaking solution or in water. Your dentist can recommend the best method. Never place dentures in hot water, which could cause them to warp.

Ultrasonic cleaners are also used to care for dentures. However, using an ultrasonic cleaner does not replace a thorough daily brushing.

Can I make minor adjustments or repairs to my dentures?

You can seriously damage your dentures and harm your health by trying to adjust or repair your dentures. A denture that is not made to fit properly can cause irritation and sores.

See your dentist if your dentures break, crack, chip, or if one of the teeth becomes loose. A dentist can often make the necessary adjustments or repairs on the same day. A person who lacks the proper training will not be able to reconstruct the denture. This can cause greater damage to the denture and may cause problems in your mouth. Glue sold over-the-counter often contains harmful chemicals and should not be used on dentures.

Will my dentures need to be replaced?

Over time, dentures will need to be relined, rebased, or remade due to normal wear. To reline or rebase a denture, the dentist uses the existing denture teeth and refits the denture base or makes a new denture base. Dentures may need to be replaced if they become loose and the teeth show signs of significant wear. Dentures become loose because a mouth naturally changes with age. Bone and gum ridges can recede or shrink, causing jaws to align differently. Shrinking ridges can cause dentures to fit less securely. Loose dentures can cause health problems, including sores and infections. A loose denture also makes chewing more difficult and may change your facial features. It's important to replace worn or poorly-fitting dentures before they cause problems.

Call us today to book your appointment.

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Home: Opening Hours


Monday 8:30 am - 8:00 pm

Tuesday 8:30 am - 8:00 pm

Wednesday 8:30 am - 8:00 pm

Thursday 9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Friday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Saturday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

          Sunday Closed

Home: Opening Hours


1069 Green Acres Mall
Valley Stream, NY 11581

Phone Number: 516-568-2022

Fax Number: 516-561-3097

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